[A Collection of Articles by Com. Prachanda and Other Leaders of the CPN (Maoist)]

Question of Ideological Struggle Brought Forward by People's War
- Com. Prachanda

 The process of initiation of People's War and its continuous development by concluding one chapter of ideological struggle within the revolutionary movement has initiated a new one. Reformist and parliamentary cycle, which was dominant in the communist movement, has been broken and a new process of debate and transformation has come up today. As great Lenin said, "Ice has been broken; the road is open; the way has been shown and that has been illuminated, now the history is moving forward in the speed of railway engine." Old contradictions in the Party and movement have been resolved and new contradictions have taken birth. In fact, the unity built up in the Party, movement and to a certain extent in the Nepalese society on the old basis has been broken. New epoch of debate, polarization and unity in the field of ideology, politics and culture has begun. In its essence, it is a historical achievement having far-reaching importance of initiation and continuation of People's War.

 Invincible principle of proletarian class, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, has taught us that ideological struggle takes place as the reflection of class struggle and its synthesized form goes on transforming into material strength. Till the class society exists, the class conflict is expressed into the conflict of ideology and ideological conflict is expressed into a new level of class conflict. This conflict provides forward motion to the society. In course of struggle against empiricists Marx had resolutely presented the fact that ignorance had never served the people nor could it ever. If so, from where does the necessary knowledge come to serve the people? According to Marxist science it comes from struggle. Mao has concretely formulated class struggle, struggle for production and scientific experiment as the source of knowledge. In its essence, Nepalese People's War is the concrete expression of class struggle, struggle for production and scientific experiment.

 What some of the people think is that having come forward by initiating People's War, attention now should be paid for the development of People's War not for ideological struggle. From whatever angle it might come, this thinking is against Marxist science and so goes against the People's War itself. Reality is that People's War itself is the result of the development of ideological struggle and People's War for its own development demands further minute, sharp, intense and extensive ideological struggle. People's War demands not to suspend ideological struggle but demands more active participation in it. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism has goaded the proletarian revolutionaries to remain resolute on the fact that more the clarity comes about in the midst of ideological struggle more the development of People's War takes place in the same dimension.

 In our context, it is true that the influence of ideological struggle and contradiction does not exist now in the level prior to that of People's War. But the People's War itself has given birth to contradictions of new and higher nature. Higher level of ideological struggle is inevitable to solve them.

 Some of the people do not understand the necessity of identifying new contradictions created by People's War and of taking initiative from new level to resolve them. They go on sticking onto the old things. That appears in the form of continuing efforts based on old contradiction, equation, closeness etc. People's War is a qualitative leap. It has destroyed old contradiction, equation, closeness and distance. Such kinds of thinking appears from their inability to grasp the great reality that a new unity has been achieved based on affinity and belief towards People's War. Reality is that people, who had presented themselves as revolutionaries and close to us in the peacetime, have now been exposed as opportunists after the initiation of People's War. But those thousands of revolutionary fighters, who were not in our account and were assumed to be less significant in the political scenario of the past peaceful period, have today started playing real character roles. Past cliques and equations have all been disarrayed by the wave of People's War. What the history has anticipated from the Nepalese revolutionaries today is, a new unity on the new footing and background that the People's War has developed.

 In this situation if one thinks of moving forward on the basis of old group and equation, that is a regressive thinking. Revolutionaries must struggle resolutely against such a regressive thinking because it is against great achievements of People's War. Here the question is not of between the revolutionaries and opportunists only, it is necessary to renew relation among revolutionaries based on the new situation developed by People's War. If one of two revolutionaries cannot or disagrees to transform oneself according to the necessity and consequence of People's War, the relation is shattered, and if the revolutionary continues unnecessary effort to maintain that relation based on past closeness, that too does not remain revolutionary. Things are in new motion and wave of changes. Old revolutionaries, in order to catch the wave of motion and change, must work hard several times more than the new revolutionaries do. If one tries to take advantage of his some of the good works in the past, that will not be a tolerable thing for revolution and the People's War. Necessity of the war is that old should make effort to catch the spirit of new comrades and, new should make effort to learn the experiences of the old. In all, every revolutionary must constantly remain alert to maintain new unity in the new level. For this, it is necessary to raise up further the ideological struggle against all sorts of sectarian, dogmatic and empiricist trends of thinking.

 People's War is creating an objective environment to further sharpen and rectify revolutionary ideas, but the thinking that People's War itself and automatically develops revolutionary ideas is not a dialectical materialist thinking rather it is a mechanical materialist one. Such type of mechanical materialist thinking is found in some people. It is certain that the great transformation, which is taking place in our Party today, was impossible without People's War. But it does not mean that ideas are rectified without conscious effort. Furthermore, People's War is demanding more conscious effort for ideological advance. It is a historically proved fact that the struggle against feudal, bourgeois and petty bourgeois trends and traditions prevailing in the Party, movement and the entire society is going to be too long and intense. People's War is the first step in this direction. In course of initiating People's War, we had tried to establish those quotations of Marx, Lenin and Mao with particular importance, in which significance of revolutionary wars was emphasized to understand not only as a weapon of fighting enemy and seizing power but also as a means of removing garbage from within. If People's War is understood only as a means of fighting enemy and capturing power the garbage within us will not be moved off. In this situation, firstly, it is impossible to defeat enemy and capture state power, secondly, if somehow state power is captured internal garbage gets already developed into enemy before achieving victory over external enemy. The incidents of counterrevolution that took place in countries including Russia and China have heightened the seriousness of responsibility upon today's revolutionaries. What type of a seed we sow today, alike breeds tomorrow.

Development of People's War in the form of the highest expression of class struggle is correct, but along with this if a scientific method of removing garbage off existing in the Party, movement and the masses could not be advanced consciously and artfully, it will be incomplete. What is that method? That method is that of inner-struggle inclusive of discussion, debate, criticism, and self-criticism. In other word, it is a method of continuously advancing ideological struggle against all sorts of non-proletarian trends.

 In this context, our Party has been emphasizing on the entire revolutionaries to make message of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution the starting point of thinking and activities. That is the pinnacle achieved, under the leadership of the proletariat, by the human being in a way to making this earth without exploitation and atrocity and in the direction of building a developed, scientific and ideal society. In today's world, it is impossible to take one step forward in the direction of revolutionary movement, without looking at with the eyes of that pinnacle. However cycles of strategy and tactics need to be made in a fight against the enemy, a revolutionary today must be resolute in grasping the consciousness of Cultural Revolution and making effort to advance ahead of it. Sooner or later, non-proletarian trends of thinking will be dominant in Party and movement if failed to enhance continuously this process of self-struggle. How should revolutionaries take revolutionary lessons in their efforts of transforming oneself through People's War? It is necessary to think of this question seriously.

 Among the entire historical lessons, one of the important lessons of Cultural Revolution is fight against individual interest and crush revisionism. Root of revisionism in Party and movement is based upon individual interest. It is impossible to crush revisionism without struggling mercilessly against innumerable forms of individual interests. If inner struggle together with People's War does not continuously advance against different manifestations of individual interests finally a danger of the Party getting converted into the UML will arise. While being involved in People's Waif anxiety of a post troubles us, if more concern goes into individual prestige and if a thinking such as earth will stop moving without oneself comes up, that is revisionism. It is wrong to think that such thinking will automatically go off soon after being involved in People's War. For this, a continuous wave of conscious struggle is inevitable. People's War has definitely created such an objective situation.

 What has been happening in the course of class struggle is that the leadership and power instead of developing cadres and masses as scientific, democratic, independent thinker and initiator, since thousands of year, has been developing silent followers and slaves. Despite of opposing it principally, its effect has been cast directly or indirectly inside our Party also. There are several examples where Party and movement have changed their color soon after opportunism appears in the leadership level. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and mainly the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution has provided a scientific orientation for loosening that knot, -- the slogans 'Bombard the Headquarters', 'It is right to rebel' and 'Red and expert' are its expressions. Greatness of the Cultural Revolution lies in providing a scientific method of continuous revolution in order to develop whole masses and cadres as a force capable to control over the state and the leadership. We must emphasize to develop capacity of our Party, movement and the masses, through People's War, efficient to bombard the headquarters, enhance active and independent participation of entire masses in the state power, and develop critical and revolutionary consciousness in the entire cadres to independently fight opportunism arisen in the leadership. Party's main spirit, behind our saying that we should move forward by making Cultural Revolution the starting point, is this. Leaders may die, leaders may degenerate but if there is a process of developing revolutionary successors, the revolutionary movement advances forward. This is also the crux of Cultural Revolution.

 The question of developing proletarian consciousness by fighting against the entire reactionary and revisionist ideas in relation to leader, party and the masses must be made a question of ideological struggle. In this context, it is necessary, on the one hand, to fight against dictatorial, bureaucratic and slave mentality and it is equally necessary to fight against the anarchist trend of undermining the importance and necessity of leadership and state, on the other. It is necessary to understand deeply the following synthesis of Comrade Mao on the relation of leader, party and the masses. "Marxism-Leninism accepts that leaders play a great role in the history. People and their parties need leaders. Those, who represent the interest and aspiration of the masses and stand at the forefront of historical struggle, are capable to serve the people as leaders. But, any leader of the Party and the state when starts adapting oneself above a member among the masses and the Party, then he keeps himself away from the masses and deprives of real knowledge." In that situation, if the consciousness of cadres and people does not develop then a situation comes where Party and the movement would face a big loss. In this question, revolutionaries need to be cautious from today.

 In brief, People's War is the life and death struggle against enemy. To make People's War reach successfully to its final victory and not to allow the Party to change its color even after that, revolutionaries must take initiative seriously from today. For that they should study further deeply and grasp the scientific theories of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and develop by using them in practice of class struggle. Ideologically, the struggle against dogmatism and empiricism should further be enhanced minutely and widely. As Mao said, all the revolutionaries should be sharp to find poisonous germs of the Party and revolution and abolish them by using Marxism-Leninism as a microscope. Victory of People's War is inevitable.