Conversion of Parliamentarism to

Social Fascism:

An Indian Experience


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Fight Against US intelligence units CIA and FBI dropped: The Perceived Enemy of Ruling Classes Becomes Revisionists’ Enemy

Our Indian revisionists with prying eyes kept on the seats of power admit "in general" the Marxist doctrine on class, but can never expose and fight the reactionary bourgeois ideology of strengthening the centralized state power trampling underfoot the aspirations of the rising nationalities in India and maintaining the extremely inequeal social-economic system retained in the interests of imperialist masters and their Indian agents. In all the party congresses of the CPI and the CPI(M) the refrain is heard that threats to national unity emanates "from the secessionist forces that are operating from across the border backed by imperialism."

The traditional voice against the C.I.A. operating on Indian soil has been replaced by the target against the I.S.I. of Pakistan as has been perceived by the Congress (I) or B.J.P. government in the Centre in the recent period. The revisionists are not vocal against the deadly American security agency F.B.I. operating legally in India. It is not our contention that the Pakistani secret service agency has not been operating in India. We simultaneously admit the spying and provocative activities of the RAW, the secret agency of India, in Pakistan too.

What the revisionist leadership of the CPI and CPI(M) preaches and practises is the continuation of the ehauvinistic jingoism of the revisionist Second International’s so-called socialist parties which sided with their respective state powers during the World War-I on the nefarious ground: "My country, right or wrong." The CPI and CPI(M) revisionists prefer to maintain a convenient silence over the Indian State’s subversive and big-brotherly attitude towards the neighbouring countries. The Congress (I), the BJP and such partiers pursue the same policy. It should be emphatically stated that this attitude, particnlarly the calculated anti-Pakistan phobia is being aggressively kicked off to build up jingoism as if Pakistan were the root cause of India’s basic problems. Simultaneously, this joining the chorus of the BJP witch-hunt targeting Pakistan and its I.S.I. without stressing the need for peaceful co-existence of neighbours has been in, effect, strengthening the anti-Muslim Hindutva programme of the communalists.

Revisionists in India also skirt the question of the role and master plan of uncle Sam in keeping alive the hostility between the two states and its role as so-called mediator in the name of diffusing tensions between the two countries. This present Bush administration’s Deputy secretary of state Richard Armitage has been currently engaged in such big brother’s role with huge economic, political and military leverage over both India and Pakistan.


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