Volume 4, No. 4-5, April-May 2003


Joint self-criticism and call by CPI(ML)PW and MCCI

in front of revolutionary ranks and people

Comrades and friends,

You all know quite well of the two communist revolutionary organisations, the CPI(ML)PW and MCCI who have been advancing steadfastly on the path of armed agrarian revolution, building a people’s army and base areas as part of protracted peoples war in order to uproot feudalism and imperialism and build a new democratic India. Although the history of origin and development of both of our organisations has been different but as a result of advancing the work with the same aim and direction, the relationship between the two organisations has been congenial and fraternal right from the beginning. Unity has been the principal aspect in the ideas, principles, policies and programmes of both organisations, which is natural also. Still, there have also been some points of disagreement. The aim of both of our organisations has been to build an all India Party resolving the main points of differences through bilateral talks and with this objective, unity talks have been continuing since 1981 itself. But because of the emergence of differences on some important ideological and political points since 1995, stagnation came about in the unity talks as a result of which, bilateral talks failed for some time.

And, the initial history of the CPI(ML)PW and MCC was also very cordial, fraternal and cooperative. But later, in the course of work in the area, some problems emerged and that struggle reached the stage of armed clashes; and when that started, armed clashes continued for many years. Definitely, it was an undesirable, sad and unfortunate period but it was the bitter truth. And after the merger of PU and PW into a new party CPI(ML)PW, these clashes transformed into struggle between the PW and the MCC.

There was loss of lives and huge physical and economic loss of a large number of leaders, cadres and sympathizers in the mutual struggle, which ultimately caused very serious loss to the Indian revolution. As a result, internal debate began within the two organisations and it was felt that this is an expression of non-proletarian/alien trends and this is a black chapter in the history of the revolution. It is necessary to stop this as soon as possible. Therefore, both the parties, the MCC and the CPI(ML)PW, made their respective declarations in 2000 to stop the clashes on t heir behalf and with this, the process of ending armed clashes began.

After this, in August 2001, once again during bilateral talks between the central delegates of the PW and the MCC, both the organisations after a review of the past and with a feeling of guilt did criticism and self-criticism for this loss caused to the Indian revolution and jointly called upon both the ranks to determinedly stop the clashes and appealed to them to maintain patience and peace and resolve various differences through mutual talks. This meeting turned out to be a milestone in starting a new chapter of revival of cordial and fraternal relation between the two organisations. After this, the relation between the two organisations started becoming very good and in the bilateral meetings after this, some important joint programmes were also started. Simultaneously a decision was taken to hold talks once again on the points of ideological, the political and organisational difference. In course of the systematic process of continuous improvement of mutual relations, recently in an important bilateral central meeting, both the organisations were not only successful in reaching unity on many ideological, political and international and national issues, but were also successful in strengthening the basis of building unity between the two. Especially, both have accepted Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as their ideological basis. Both organisation have pledged to resolve all the problems in light of this common ideological basis.

In this situation, both the organisations have decided to find the causes of the earlier mistakes and after understanding their respective weaknesses in relation to the mistakes, openly present self-criticism of our weaknesses in front of all ranks and revolutionary people. We, both organisations, considering all comrades killed from both sides as great martyrs, give our heartfelt homage and present our deep condolences towards all grieved families and relatives. Also, both organisations, accepting all responsibility for past mistakes, consider this as a small black blot in our respective long revolutionary lives and accept to always remain serious towards conducting intense struggle against all non-proletarian, and petty bourgeois and bourgeois ideas and are once again conducting self-criticism for this grave loss to the Indian revolution, caused due to not being able to resolve all problems through Marxist methods. Whatever it be, even though it is late, both of the organisations express our debt to the international and Indian communist revolutionary organisations, groups and broad revolutionary and democratic masses for their great help in reaching this correct decision. Also, in the difficult and complex situation of today, we appeal to workers, peasants, students, youth, intellectuals, women and all the toiling and progressive masses to come forward to make successful the continuing attempts for the aim of building the three magic weapons of revolution, an all India Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Party, Peoples Army and a United Front, in order to fasten the pace of revolution, by facing the anti-revolutionary brutal encirclement repression and atrocities of the enemies of the people - imperialism, comprador capitalism and feudalism and the Indian state deployed for their security and development.

With revolutionary greetings,









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