Volume 2, No. 4-5, April-May 2001




The Communist Party of the Philippines extends its most cordial and militant comradely greetings to the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)[People's War] on the occasion of your forthcoming Party Congress. We are confident that through this congress you will be able to unite the whole Party around the correct ideological, political and organizational line and thus raise the level of struggle in the new democratic revolution through people's war.

We pay our highest respect to your martyrs, Comrades Shyam., Mahesh and Murali, members of the Central Committee who were brutally murdered by the Indian fascists last December, and to all the comrades who have made the supreme sacrifice for the Indian and world revolution since the establishment of your Party. Their memory will always be cherished not only by the Indian masses but also by all revolutionaries throughout the world. We turn our grief into revolutionary courage. The revolutionary Indian people will surely avenge the deaths of your martyrs and pursue the revolutionary struggle until complete victory.

We Congratulate you for the great achievements that you have accumulated through 31 years of arduous struggle. The CPI(ML)[PW] has been steeled in the furnace of struggle not only against the local class enemies but also against both "Left" and right deviations within the Party and all sorts of bankrupt theories being peddled by the revisionists at home and abroad.

The key to your Party's success is its adherence to Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thoughts. But concretely applying this theory in the concrete conditions of India, you have correctly analyzed the character of Indian society as semi-colonial and semi-feudal, put forward the general line of new-democratic revolution with a socialist perspective and advanced the strategic line of protracted people's war and surrounding the cities from the countryside, The Indian masses have rallied to this correct revolutionary line and have offered their best sons and daughters for the struggle.

The decision to adopt the armed struggle as the principal form of struggle was decisve in your steady advance in the last twenty years. It has enabled you to advance wave upon wave in building the people’s army from squads to developed guerrilla force, and in base building from guerrilla zones and guerrilla bases to establish extensive and consolidated base areas.

In advancing the revolution, the Party has wielded the two weapons of the armed struggle and the united front. There has been significant advances in the armed struggle with an increasing tempo in the tactical offensives that have dealt heavy blows against the enemy, brought in more weapons for the people's army and raised the morale and fighting will of the masses.

The united front is being developed with the basic alliance of the workers and peasants serving as flier base, winning over the urban petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie and taking advantage of contradictions among the reactionaries.

You have developed deep roots among the masses in both the rural and urban areas and have been successful in arousing, organizing and mobilizing them for their immediate and long term interests. As a result, concrete benefits have been achieved by the masses in land reform, production, raising of wages of farm and non-farm workers, and so on. Thus, the Party and people's army enjoy the wide and enthusiastic support of the broad masses of the people.

The urban mass movement is able to mobilize hundreds of thousands to expose and resist the anti-people and pro imperialist policies of the Indian ruling classes. These policies follow the neoliberal policy dictates of such imperialist agencies as the IMF, World Bank and WTO. The socio-economic crisis of the local ruling system has gone from bad to worse and imposes enormous sufferings on the broad masses of the people.

The call to build the Party into a nationwide Bolshevik Party that is broad-based and mass-oriented and theoretically, politically and organizationally consolidated on the occasion of the 31st Party anniversary is appropriate in the face of the growing demands of the revolutionary armed struggle and the great potential for expanding the revolution.

India is a big country with a large population and holds a strategic position in mainland Asia. The advance of the revolution in India will surely have great significance, implication and consequences in the world proletarian revolution.

The Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties and movements waging people's war are of critical importance in the era of imperialism and proletarian revolution. They brilliantly uphold in theory and practice the Marxist-Leninist theory of state and revolution and carry forward the world proletarian revolution through armed revolution. They play an outstanding role amidst the global conditions in which the imperialists and local reactionary ruling classes are escalating the exploitation and oppression of the proletariat and people.

The Communist Party of India (ML)[PW] and the Communist Party of the Philippines are close comrades-in-arms in the fight against imperialism and all reaction. We are determined to continue our close cooperation and mutual support in our common struggle to free our peoples from the exploitation and oppression of the imperialists and the local reactionaries and thereby make our own contribution to the forward advance of the world proletarian revolution.

We wish you utmost success in your congress. We look forward to greater victories of the revolutionary armed struggle under the leadership of the Communist Party of India (ML)[PW] in the years ahead. We are confident that you will win in the new democratic revolution and subsequently commence the socialist revolution.


Long live the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)[People's War]

Long live the Indian revolution

Long live proletarian internationalism!


Central Committee Communist Party of the Philippines,

February 10, 2001




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