Volume 1, No. 8, October 2000


Press Statement

Revolutionary Armed Struggle of the Moro People
Is Far From Over, It Will Intensify

By Jose Maria Sison

NDFP Chief Political Consultant


As someone with some background knowledge and experience in people’s war, I wish to comment on the claims of victory over the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) by Mr. Estrada and his military minions.

Anyone with a modicum of knowledge of strategy and tactics can say that the taking of the MILF headquarters at the 10,000 hectare Camp Abubakar does not constitute any kind of military victory.

Both the preceding bombardment on the community and structures at the site and the acumen of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in guerrilla warfare required the central fighting units of the Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces to redeploy themselves and engage in mobile defense.

The BIAF is intact and has undiminished strength to wage guerrilla warfare indefinitely. Mr. Estrada and his military minions delude themselves if they think that they have achieved any more than a passing moment of showmanship, paid for by the blood of their troops and a lot of tax money.

The leadership of the MILF and the command of the BIAF are praiseworthy for correctly following the tactics of guerrilla warfare. They make a temporary retreat from their headquarters at Camp Abubakar in the face of an advancing enemy force that is militarily superior, get out of encirclement and choose the time and place to attack the weak points of the enemy forces on exterior lines.

Mao Zedong teaches the guerrilla fighters to retreat when the enemy advances, to harass when he camps, to attack when he tires and to pursue when he withdraws. It is within this context that we can understand how a temporary retreat from a certain piece of territory leads to the preservation of a guerrilla army and to the gaining of time for launching victorious battles against the enemy.

It suits the reactionary armed forces to launch a strategic campaign of encirclement and put the revolutionary armed forces on the strategic defensive. But within this strategic defensive, the revolutionary armed forces can launch tactical offensives at their own complete initiative by choosing the time and place to mount a superior force against the weak points of the enemy.

As the New People’s Army has successfully done for decades, arming itself with weapons captured from the enemy, the BIAF can accumulate arms by launching tactical offensives and capturing weapons from the enemy. An enemy occupation force amidst the hostile Moro population can be bled to death by countless wounds through tactical offensives. All that the BIAF has to do is to avoid any strategic battle in which the enemy has the chance to destroy all or the main forces of the BIAF.

The BIAF can lure in deep the enemy forces and entrap them in battles of quick decision. It can make a feint in the east to attack the west. It can hit one enemy unit in order to crush the reinforcements. It can conduct ambushes, raids and arrests at will. It can deploy snipers, sappers, mortars and grenade launchers. The tactics available to guerrilla fighters are so many and so unpredictable to the enemy.

To compel the enemy occupation force to take static positions and reduce the number of his maneuver units, the BIAF can also launch special operations against imperialist and comprador firms, electric power grids, oil depots, communications towers, lines of transport and other vulnerable targets. These may be considered military targets if served or used by enemy operations.

By carrying out a protracted people’s war, the BIAF can accumulate strength and advance from the strategic defensive to the strategic stalemate and further on to the strategic offensive. In the process, it can advance from guerrilla warfare to regular mobile warfare and ultimately to positional warfare.

The political alliance of the NDFP and MILF is of crucial importance. The concentrated attack of the enemy against one gives the other excellent opportunities to launch tactical offensives against the weakest points of the enemy.

The MILF can also draw abundant support from abroad, especially from the people in Islamic countries who are outraged by the bombings of Moro communities, homes, schools and mosques. The people of the world condemn the genocidal war being carried out by the Manila government against the Moro people.




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