May-June 1999


Guiding Principle for Knowing and Changing the World

— A study of “On Practice”


by the Writing Group of Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China

(This is the first part of a two-part abridged version of an article that appeared in No. 25, June 18, 1971 of PEKING REVIEW.)


For a long period in the history of our Party there were Wang Ming and renegades of his sort who rejected applying the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism to the study of practice in the Chinese revolution. Tearing words and phrases from Marxist works, they overawed people with them. There were also people who for a long time limited themselves to their own fragmentary experience and did not understand the importance of theory in guiding revolutionary practice and thus became captives of the sham Marxists. Using bourgeois idealism and metaphysics as the ideological basis, Wang Ming and company wildly opposed Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line and thereby caused enormous losses to the Chinese revolution.

Thirty-three years ago our great leader Chairman Mao issued this brilliant work On Practice to expose the anti-Marxist world outlook and methodology of these renegades. In accordance with the principle of the Marxist theory of knowledge, Chairman Mao systematically summed up the historical experiences of the struggle between the two lines in the Party, penetratingly criticized the idealist apriorism (doctrine that knowledge rests upon principles that are self-evident to reason alone ..... Editor) of renegade Wang Ming and other sham Marxists, and thus greatly raised the whole Party’s Marxist-Leninist theoretical level and guided the Chinese revolution from victory to victory.

Using Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought as their weapon, the whole Party and the people of the whole country are now sharply criticizing "apriorism," the "theory of productive forces," the "theory of human nature," the "theory of the dying out of class struggle" and other reactionary fallacies spread by Wang Ming, Liu Shao-chi and other political swindlers. This is a most important task on the political and ideological front. Conscientious study of Chairman Mao’s On Practice in connection with this struggle is of great practical and far-reaching historical significance in further determining what is materialism and what is idealism, distinguishing between genuine and sham Marxism, heightening our consciousness of implementing Chairman Mao’s proletarian revolutionary line........


Social practice is the foundation of knowledge and this is the fundamental viewpoint of Marxist philosophy. Recognizing or not recognizing the dependence of knowledge on social practice is an important hallmark distinguishing between the materialist theory of reflection and idealist apriorism and the touchstone distinguishing genuine Marxism from sham Marxism.

As far back as more than 100 years ago, the great revolutionary teacher Marx explicitly pointed out: "The question whether objective truth can be attributed to human thinking is not a question of theory but is a practical question. In practice man must prove the truth, that is, the reality and power, the this sidedness of his thinking. The dispute over the reality or non-reality of thinking which is isolated from practice is a purely scholastic question." (Theses on Feuerbach.) By introducing the viewpoint of practice to the theory of knowledge, Marx correctly settled the question of the relation between thinking and being and brought about a great revolution unprecedented in the history of human knowledge.

In his On Practice, Chairman Mao upheld and developed the Marxist theory of knowledge and incisively expounded the primary place and decisive role of social practice in the course of cognition. He emphatically pointed out: "The standpoint of practice is the primary and basic standpoint in the dialectical-materialist theory of knowledge." "There can be no knowledge apart from practice."

If one wants to know anything, one must directly participate in the practical struggle to change reality, for only thus can one come into contact with it as a phenomenon; only through personal participation in the practical struggle to change reality can one uncover the essence of what one wants to know and know the laws of things. This is the path to knowledge which everyone actually travels. The fallacy of "intuitive knowledge" runs counter to the materialist theory of reflection. This is nothing but drivel which all exploiting classes as well as Wang Ming, Llu Shao-chi and their kind used to deceive the masses of people. Chairman Mao ridiculed the "know-all" who completely divorced himself from reality. Such a person "picks up a smattering of hearsay knowledge and proclaims himself ‘the world’s Number One authority’; this merely shows that he has not taken a proper measure of himself."

Chairman Mao not only affirmed in clear terms the Marxist viewpoint of practice but scientifically summarized the practical contents as something applied "in the practice of production, in the practice of revolutionary class struggle and revolutionary national struggle and in the practice of scientific experiment." In his famous essay Where Do Correct Ideas Come From? Chairman Mao further pointed out: "They [correct ideas] come from social practice, and from it alone; they come from three kinds of social practice, the struggle for production, the class struggle and scientific experiment." The prejudice of the exploiting classes invariably blocks the road to, knowing the truth. Only by constantly removing the brand of the bourgeoisie and all other exploiting classes stamped into our thinking, can we know the truth about objective things.

Chairman Mao pointed out: "The Marxist philosophy of dialectical materialism has two outstanding characteristics. One is its class nature: it openly avows that dialectical materialism is in the service of the proletariat. The other is its practicality: it emphasizes the dependence of theory on practice, emphasizes that theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice." Grasping the essence of dialectical materialism, this scientific thesis of Chairman Mao’s was an effective criticism of Wang Ming, Liu Shao-chi and their like who denied the Marxist viewpoints of classes and practice.

For a long period Wang Ming, Liu Shao-chi and the rest had all along used reactionary idealist apriorism to counter the materialist theory of reflection, preaching that man’s knowledge preceded his experience and his ability preceded his practice. Chairman Mao pointed out: "The lowly are most intelligent; the elite are most ignorant." "The lowly" here refers to the broad masses of the working people who stand opposed to the exploiting classes and "the elite" refers to the reactionaries and intellectual aristocrats of the exploiting classes, including Liu Shao-chi and his bunch who fancied themselves clever and vainly tried to turn back the wheel of history.

In refuting the Right opportunists during the agricultural collectivization movement, Chairman Mao pointed out: "Both cadres and peasants will remould themselves in the course of the struggles they themselves experience. Let them go into action and learn while doing, and they will become more capable. In this way, fine people will come forward in large numbers." (On the Question of Agricultural Co-operation.) From the viewpoint of dialectical materialism, this instruction of Chairman Mao’s points out the fundamental way for us to discover and train outstanding people of the proletariat and the fundamental way for our outstanding revolutionary cadres to mature. At the same time, it shows that man’s knowledge (ability and capability belong to the category of knowledge) is not inborn but is acquired after birth by summing up the experience in social practice. In different historical periods, large numbers of outstanding revolutionary persons, without exception, came forward in the storm of revolutionary practice. Describing capability and ability as transcending practice and as something endowed by nature is nothing but self-glorification and fabrication by the arrogant idealists and such capability and ability, are non-existent in social life.

Chairman Mao regards Marx as "a most completely developed intellectual, representing the acme of human wisdom" (Rectify the Party’s Style of Work) and, with the viewpoint of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, gives a scientific explanation of the historical conditions of the birth of Marxism-Leninism.

In advertising the reactionary fallacy that ability preceded practice, Wang Ming, Liu Shao-chi and other renegades did not mean to acknowledge that others were capable but vainly hoped that the people recognized counter-revolutionary revisionists like themselves as born "supermen," and that the masses of the people were "backward" and "reactionary."

Chairman Mao pointed out: "Idealism and mechanical materialism, opportunism and adventurism, are all characterized by the breach between the subjective and the objective, by the separation of knowledge from practice. The Marxist-Leninist theory of knowledge, characterized as it is by scientific social practice, cannot but resolutely oppose these wrong ideologies." The "Left" and Right opportunist lines pushed by Wang Ming, Liu Shao-chi and their cronies took idealist apriorism as their ideological basis. Proceeding from such a reactionary world outlook, they tried to make everything dependent on their own subjective will and denied the law of the development of objective things.

Chairman Mao’s proletarian revolutionary line is based on the dialectical materialist theory of knowledge. It comes from practice and stands higher than practice. It scientifically sums up the historical experience of the proletarian revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat, and correctly reflects the objective law of social development. It is the lifeline of our Party. Only by adhering to the materialist theory of reflection and going deep into reality to investigate and study can we master, the present state and history of the struggle between the two classes, the two roads and the two lines, grasp the principal contradictions and work out our plans, measures and methods conforming to Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line and translate them into the masses’ conscious revolutionary actions. The plans, measures and methods must be put into the test of practice so that the correct things can be popularized and the erroneous ones can be corrected. Through such repeated practice, our knowledge will become deeper and more comprehensive and will all the more conform with objective law.

(To be concluded)




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