July-August  1999


Fight Back Hinduthva Culture !
— Call to People by the 7th Conference of AILRC, April 22,23 Calcutta


The 7th conference of the All India League for Revolutionary Culture (AILRC) was held in Calcutta on April 22nd and 23rd in Com. Arun Sanyamat Hall. The two-day conference focused on the need to build an alternative people’s cultural movement against the fascist culture of the Sangh Parivar, particularly after the demolition of the Babri Masjid and since the BJP’s coming to power at Delhi. The BJP, after coming to power, at its National Executive in Ahmedabad, declared its intention of implementing an agenda for National Culture. This, of course, is nothing but Hinduthva culture. That’s why the keynote paper presented by AILRC was a call to people to resist the Hindu fascist culture which is promoted in the name of a national agenda for culture.

All the constituent units of the AILRC, from Kerala to Delhi and Punjab to Assam (except Jana Kala Mandali, Karnataka), attended the conference, in teams and with their cultural troups. The conference was inaugurated by Com. Paresh Dhar a veteran singer and composer, who represents the 60-year-old people’s cultural tradition, from the days of IPTA and the Progressive Writers’ movement, upto Naxalbari and the current Andhra, Dandakaranya, Bihar people’s cultural Struggles. A 90-year-old Freedom Fighter from UP also participated in the conference and paid homage to the martyrs taking pledge to continue the struggle till the NDR is achieved.

There were messages from fraternal delegates. Significant among them was that from the Nepal’s People’s Cultural movement.

All the constituent units paid homage at the martyrs column and the immortal song of Panigrahi, ‘Kashta Jeevulam Memu Communistulam’ (We are toilers, we are communists) was sung in collective chorus in all Indian languages.

After the secretary’s report on the activities of AILRC since the Chennai conference (August, 96), Com. Sherif (VIRASAM) presented the keynote paper on behalf of AILRC.

Comrade Suman Chatterjee, the well-known people’s singer and composer from Bengal, presented some of his songs and emphasised the urgent need to fight back the imperialist cultural onslaught.

In the afternoon session on 22nd April Com. Venugopal of Jana Keeya Kala Sahitya Vedi, Kerala, presented a paper on the imperialist connivance in promoting Hinduthva culture in the name of national culture; tracing the colonial rulers’ ties with the feudal system right since the 1857 independence war.

Com. Suman Chatterjee presented a paper on the culture industry, saying that the exploitative culture of the ruling class is trying to vulgarly grow into a monopoly industry crushing the heterogenous cultures of different nationalities, ethnic groups and democratic forces. He emphasised that the cultural workers should take up cudgels against this industry just as the political activists take up direct action against imperialism.

On 23rd morning there was a long session about representatives of the people’s culture from around the world, since the 1930s. Com. KA Mohan Das presented a paper on Bertolt Brecht; Com. Chalasani Prasad on Lorca; Com. Khagen Das on Nazrul Islam and Com. Raj Kishore on Premchand. Com. Kanchan Kumar’s paper on Paul Robson, though ready could not be presented because of the time factor.




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